case JVM_CONSTANT_Utf8 :
cfs->guarantee_more(2, CHECK); // utf8_length
u2 utf8_length = cfs->get_u2_fast();
u1* utf8_buffer = cfs->get_u1_buffer();
assert(utf8_buffer != NULL, "null utf8 buffer");
// Got utf8 string, guarantee utf8_length+1 bytes, set stream position forward.
cfs->guarantee_more(utf8_length+1, CHECK); // utf8 string, tag/access_flags
// Before storing the symbol, make sure it's legal
if (_need_verify) { //不进入
verify_legal_utf8((unsigned char*)utf8_buffer, utf8_length, CHECK);
if (EnableInvokeDynamic && has_cp_patch_at(index)) { //不进入
Handle patch = clear_cp_patch_at(index);
"Illegal utf8 patch at %d in class file %s",
index, CHECK);
char* str = java_lang_String::as_utf8_string(patch());
// (could use java_lang_String::as_symbol instead, but might as well batch them)
utf8_buffer = (u1*) str;
utf8_length = (int) strlen(str);
unsigned int hash; //has值 $35 = 1818100338
Symbol* result = SymbolTable::lookup_only((char*)utf8_buffer, utf8_length, hash); //$34 = (Symbol *) 0x7f258408b478
if (result == NULL) {
names[names_count] = (char*)utf8_buffer;
lengths[names_count] = utf8_length;
indices[names_count] = index;
hashValues[names_count++] = hash;
if (names_count == SymbolTable::symbol_alloc_batch_size) {
SymbolTable::new_symbols(_loader_data, _cp, names_count, names, lengths, indices, hashValues, CHECK);
names_count = 0;
} else {
_cp->symbol_at_put(index, result);
(gdb) p SymbolTable::_the_table
$32 = (SymbolTable *) 0x7f258002eab8
(gdb) p *SymbolTable::_the_table
$33 = (SymbolTable) {<Hashtable<Symbol*, 2304u>> = {<BasicHashtable<2304u>> = {<CHeapObj<2304u>> = {<AllocatedObj> = {_vptr.AllocatedObj = 0x7f2586b80af0 <vtable for SymbolTable+16>}, <No data fields>},
_table_size = 20011,
_buckets = 0x7f25876b3028,
_free_list = 0x0,
_first_free_entry = 0x7f25800519b8 "\361\..."
<incomplete sequence \361>..., _end_block = 0x7f2580054598 "\253\253\253\253\253\253\253\253\253\253\253\253\253\253\253\253\205",
_entry_size = 32,
_number_of_entries = 672,
_lookup_count = 0,
_lookup_length = 0},
static _seed = <optimized out>},
static _the_table = 0x7f258002eab8,
static _needs_rehashing = false,
static symbols_removed = 0,
static symbols_counted = 0,
static _arena = 0x7f258002eb28}
void symbol_at_put(int which, Symbol* s) {
assert(s->refcount() != 0, "should have nonzero refcount");
tag_at_put(which, JVM_CONSTANT_Utf8);
*symbol_at_addr(which) = s;
Symbol** symbol_at_addr(int which) const {
assert(is_within_bounds(which), "index out of bounds");
return (Symbol**) &base()[which];
(gdb) p sizeof(Symbol)
$36 = 12
$38 = {<SymbolBase> = {<MetaspaceObj> = {<No data fields>}, _length = 6, _refcount = -1, _identity_hash = 1186001213},
_body = {60 '<'},
static _total_count = 0}
以上就完成了 JVM_CONSTANT_Utf8 的解析
查看经常用的函数p s->as_C_string()
char* Symbol::as_C_string() const {
int len = utf8_length();
char* str = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, len + 1);
return as_C_string(str, len + 1);
int utf8_length() const { return _length; }
class SymbolBase : public MetaspaceObj {
volatile short _refcount, // needs atomic operation
unsigned short _length // number of UTF8 characters in the symbol (does not need atomic op)
int _identity_hash;
char* Symbol::as_C_string(char* buf, int size) const {
if (size > 0) {
int len = MIN2(size - 1, utf8_length());
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
buf[i] = byte_at(i);
buf[len] = '\0';
return buf;
int byte_at(int index) const {
assert(index >=0 && index < _length, "symbol index overflow");
return base()[index];
const jbyte* base() const { return &_body[0]; }
jbyte _body[1];
去符号表中查找,符号表实例,所以常量池中存储的是Symbol* 指针;
(gdb) p SymbolTable::_the_table
$32 = (SymbolTable *) 0x7f258002eab8
(gdb) p *SymbolTable::_the_table